Thursday, November 11, 2004

A pastor for Unidos en Cristo

Since September of 2004 the Hispanic Ministry at Living Savior Lutheran Church has a pastor. Rev. Laerte Tardeli Hellwig Voss was called from the Lutheran Church of Brazil (Sister church of the LC-MS) to serve full time as the pastor of Iglesia Luterana Unidos en Cristo - Hispanic Missionary for Northwest Arkansas. His called was given by Mid-South District.

About him: Pastor Tardeli is 24 years old. He is the oldest of three children. His family lives in the southern part of Brazil. His parents are Lidio and Norma Voss. He has a sister, Tamazi and a brother, Tarles. He is engaged to Diani Lucardo Madruga, to whom he plan to get married in 18 June of 2005. Pastor Voss will be going to Brazil at the end of May and will be coming back at the end of June with his then wife. He Seminary training was at Seminario Concordia, the Lutheran Seminary en Brazil. There he studied for 5 ½ years. His graduation was in July of 2004. His is fluent in Spanish - his vicarage was in Montevideo, (capital of Uruguay). Pastor Tardeli also has a degree in Theology (2002) from the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA). The Bible passage that defines his vision of Ministry: “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some” (I Corinthians 9:22).

His installation: His installation on September 26, 2004 at Living Savior Lutheran Church/Unidos en Cristo was celebrated by President Rev. Ken Lampe, and by Rev. Donaldo Sonntag, pastor/church planter of Living Savior. Many other pastors and leaders of the Fayetteville circuit were also present. Pastor Tardeli is adjusting well to the Hispanic culture and to the American lifestyle. The first thing to do was a smooth transition from the ministry pastor Donaldo Sonntag was doing in Hispanic Ministry to the new reality of Ministry under his care. The original group was maintained. Besides, he started to recruit many other people, which are now participating in the activities of the church. As missionary strategy Pastor Tardeli relates to people through personal contact (friendship), makes visits (homes, hospitals and prisons) and "inserts" himself in the "Hispanic world" especially by playing soccer.

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